❤️ Why we love it

It may seem paradoxical, but audio is the most important part of a video, at least when you've got people talking. Having an external microphone for your camera is almost always necessary to get good sound in any situation. When you've got people in front and behind of the camera talking, however, most shotgun microphones have the problem that they only record sound in one direction. The Deity D4 Duo however uses two microphones to capture sound from both directions, which is great. The sound could be a bit better, but all in all we're pretty happy with it and having that duo functionality makes it a worthy compromise.

🗒️ Things to note

Just note that using this microphone also creates more effort when editing your videos, as it records the microphones separately on the right and left tracks of the stereo audio track. So this is something you'll have to deal with in your editing program in order for everything to sound right.